
seeing red


well thank you for all the well wishes on the crankies and for the lovely response to my new patterns. i have a lot of ideas bouncing in my brain and already have started on a new set of patterns but will have to wait a little while to show you the final products. on my few days off from the “everyday” i went and got me some new shoes. oh i love red, but i was a little scared that i wasn’t going to be able to “pull them off”.
wore them to church and well, i felt SASSY.
husband wanted to know which brothel i was from and i told him i came from the “you can sleep on the couch tonight” brothel.
that’s the last time he mentioned anything about them.

after i purchased my red shoes, i felt really happy and excited about RED anything. so i made a quick little project and gave katie a little bit of red too.

fell in love how her new hair clip looks on her, and yup, you guessed it i’m smack in the middle of making a bazillion of them to match any outfit she may have or will have or could have.

also making a few for myself to put on as accessories on purses, and anywhere i can put it on.


in other news.

i’m almost done with the table cloth skirt tutorial.

so watch for that in the next few days.

the husband is off of work for a week, so we are going to be working a lot on the house. and make a small trip, but i promise to get that skirt tutorial up before we go.

so put away your stinky eye cause it’s coming.

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