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V and Co: happy makers


this last week i got three separate things in the mail that made me super happy.

seriously i don’t get a ton of mail.

no, well now wait, i do.

but it’s bills, and junk mail, and an occasional Micheal’s 40% off coupon but even coupons are email based these days. (which is cool and cuts down on the paper organizing needs)

so correction…it’s not that i don’t get mail, it’s just that i don’t get cool happy mail.

what makes for cool happy mail?

well, sometimes its really nice to physically flip through pages in this fast digital world.

yes, i think magazines make for happy mail.

getting to look at pretty things and then add a little “oh look there’s my project” into there and i call that a pretty sweet awesome “happy maker” mail.

yeah, that’s the kind of mail i got and what i’m talking about.

the beginning of the week i got my Stitch, Craft, Create magazine. and well, first things first i quickly flipped through the pages, quickly passing what looked like a lot of SUPER cute christmas ideas and projects…but i was on a mission.

can you spot on this page (up above) one of my projects? hint it has a # 82 by it. 🙂

oh yeah, there you go! my shaggy pillows were featured in this season’s magazine. you will get step by step instructions to my pillows, and so many other beautiful projects as well…

which by the way i finally checked out after i found my project…um wow. i’m so happy i have it, and can’t wait to try out some of the ideas. LOVE this packaging spread!!!!

so after i got my fill (but not yet done with) of flipping through the magazine pages…the next day this wonderful book by martingale publishing called “Sew the Perfect Gift”  that i was asked to be a part of came and made my day. 🙂

again i totally bypassed all the other cool projects to make as gifts…to check out mine first.

my spray painted pillow made it into this idea book along with 24 other awesome projects by super talented designers.

and then of course i went back and flipped through the book and checked out the rest.

totally cool by the way.

one project i want to make asap is this adorable re-usable lunch sack (oh and a couple of purses, pillows, and ah!!! no time!)

i thought that was it for the week, i mean i was feeling pretty happy…oh but NO wait! one more MAJOR HUGE MILESTONE HAPPY MAKER arrived on my front door step.


it finally came…

it’s official…

my first bonafide PAPER PATTERN.

and stocked in my shop.

and hopefully in a fabric store near you soon as well. 😀 <– that’s a huge smile by the way not just a normal smile.

so wow. one big post all about ME. well sort of.

and to celebrate all the wonderful physical mail i’ve gotten this week, i want to give someone a happy mailbox too.


one lucky V and Co reader will win all three of these vanessa “happy makers”.

all you have to do to get a chance to win…is leave a comment.

say whatever the heck you wanna say.

(just make sure you leave me an email address at the bottom of the comment. and only one comment per person)

have a good rest of the week. i’m leaving for sewing summit tomorrow morning. will try to take pictures of the weekend (i get to room with this gal…yay me!) and if you are coming to my class: i’ll see you there. 🙂

see you next week.

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