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terrace hill winner and alabama?


winners of the terrace hill giveaway:
random # 143
winner of the monkey with a tat:
random # 15
winner of the apron and tea towels:
colleen and kendra

thanks to all who supported and entered this giveaway.

also thanks for the love on the new quilt pattern. yeah i like it too. i had no idea that alabama was the place to have houndstooth. so i googled it and sure enough Alabama Crimson Tide Houndstooth popped up… maybe i should do a discount for all alabama fans. hmmmm. okay if you buy the houndstooth quilt and you are an alabama fan, leave me a note saying so (when you check out in paypal) and i’ll return you 10% for a discount.

have a smashing weekend.
i think we’re going to watch despicable me, my fam and i haven’t seen it yet…i hear it’s good. but at the moment i spy a yellow and gray mess i have to clean up before that happens … we’ll talk soon.
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