
tutorial: composition book cover


to make this cover you will need:
*strips of varying widths with at least 16 inches in length.
*2 rectangles of muslin cut out to 5 1/4 by 11inches
*one long rectangle with the measurement of 25 by 11 inches
*one button
*one elastic hair band.

first get you a boring looking composition bookmeasure your composition book. mine was 10 in length and when i measured from one end of the cover to the other end, it turned out to be 15 inches in width.
cut strips with at least 16 inches in length and i varied my widths because i wanted it to look a little wonky…you will want to make your strips come out to at least the width of 11 inches total when sewed together.
sew your strips and press them flat with an iron.
trim sown your middle section to 15 1/2 by 11 inches
next i used one of my daughters hair ties.
and placed it in the middle just like the picture above (on the left side, because this will be your back side)
now cut two rectangles with the measurements of 5 1/4 by 11 inches. these are going to be the inside “pocket” part of your cover.
pin it down.
sew to the left and right of your strips the muslin blocks.

cut the backing to match the finished front size. (should be 25 inches by 11 inches)
sew together right sides, leaving an opening so you can turn it inside out. cut off your ends so your corners will lay flat
turn inside out…
press with an iron,
and top stitch around your whole cover.

now make sure you fold the cover so that the loop is right on the edge.
and place the button where you want it on the opposite side. so that you will be able to loop the button with your elastic.

now sew your folded cover right on top of your already top stitched area. this will create your pocket to slip in your cover.
do this to both sides.

now you have a cute cover for all your ideas, schedules, or journal-ing!

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