The Blog

um? what the…!!!


does anyone need some zucchini?

i think i might have a little extra

you should of heard all the “that’s what she said” jokes that were flying all over the place.

edited: lovely miss cheryl has posted a yummy chocolate zucchini bread just because she wanted to help me out!

and thanks to all of you that keep telling me of ways to use them.

***my MOST FAVORITE way is to check for unlocked cars and leave some in the back seat. BAHAHA! ! love that!

edited edited again!: you guys rock out loud with all the recipes! will do a post later on next week with links and recipe’s! whoot!

my house needs serious attention.

the first frost hit last night,

so i have all my apples to pick.

i have my hands in so many new projects,

some i can show,

a few i cant.

i need to take a little blogging break.

but i promise to come back monday.

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