The Blog

sponsored giveaway: the quilt shoppe


SO it’s that time of the month again.

no NOT THAT time of the month.

a sponsored giveaway time of the month silly girls!
This giveaway has now been closed!

this month we will be highlighting Lani from the quilt shoppe.

what can i say about lani? other than she’s super sweet and nice and since she’s become a sponsor and we’ve been talking, i’ve gotten to down right just adore her.

the quilt shoppe on the web has been in business for over two years and just recently they opened up the quilt shoppe…on etsy…which i can proudly say i was their very first customer! (she probably doesn’t remember that but i remember the little #1 show up when i purchased my yard of fabric!)

she, her hubby, and daughter are the sweat and master minds of the quilt shoppe.

at either site you can find awesome fabric by the yard, pre-cuts, kits, notions, patterns or books, and you can join BOMs.

fun stuff i tell you!

on her etsy site, currently i’m hoping to somehow scrounge up some cash for this beautiful yard of fabric

oh and this one ! this one just makes me swoon. i mean seriously i have 5 bazillion quilts i would want to make with these two fabrics!!!

i could go on and on about the things i want…but lets talk about what you can get for free shall we?

the quilt shop is so generously offering a reader of V and Co. the following items for a giveaway:

Sandy Gervais’ “Crazy 8” Pattern and fabric to complete top and binding.

yes she is!

but that’s not all.

she’s also going to give you a $25 gift certificate because the winner is going to…HELLO, need backing. (her words)

okay here’s the ways to enter.

1) go to her etsy shop or her web site , pick out something you like come back here and tell me about it (and you could also tell me how cool i am and that you love me for how witty i am…that won’t help your chances but a girl always likes to hear that)

2) blog about it with a picture and a link back to this giveaway (leave me a comment to tell me you did)

3) twitter it with at link back to this post (leave me a comment that you did)

4) follow my blog. if you already follow me tell me that (you are automatically entered again if you tell me you already follow me)

5) go to lani’s blog and tell her something nice. (like she has nice legs, or i don’t know she’s has a great selection of fabric, and come back and comment that you did just that.)

there you have it.

i don’t usually give you that many chances but…hey i feel kind and nice today. why not give you 5 ways to enter right?

okay go to it and you have till thursday morning 8am mst to do your entering…i’ll announce the winner later that morning.

okay do me proud.


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